We are currently shooting our new feature, The Church of the Mountain, in the wilds of Idaho. It’s another DIY film project, with returning Executive Producer John Shorg (A Black Rift Begins to Yawn) and the Sky Melt team.
As with any movie, a lot of time, effort, food, gear, and other expenses make low budget filmmaking a continuous battle. As we set up with our initial crowdfunding campaign, if you want to contribute directly, we will honor the same rewards, including things like tickets to local screenings/film festivals (locations TBA), producer credits, challenge coins, after parties, etc.
Anyone throwing in $25+ gets early access to our digital premiere once it’s ready to rock.
$25+ will give you full access to our updates & a digital film premiere (TBD)
$50+ will get you the above + a Special Thanks in the film credits
$100+ will get you the above + a limited run Challenge Coin (unlocking secret features in the future)
$2000+ will get you the above + Associate Producer credit (and all festival and party perks therein)
$5000+ will get you the above + Executive Producer credit (and logo/name/brand at the beginning of the film)